Your live music video on YouTube
Set your background, upload your music, and have your live video play on YouTube forever 24/7.
GET STARTEDBe everpresent
Stream 24/7
Grow your channel by having a 24/7 constantly autoplaying video. Set once and close the browser. Your video will play live and loop itself forever, until you change it.
Cast automatically. Have a live video on your YouTube channel without renting a server or running any program.
Set your playlist. Your songs will play and cycle automatically through your playlist.
Apply a background. Upload any background or select one of our provided backgrounds.

Grow your channel 24/7
Why you should have a live video
To instantly attract viewers and grow your channel while you sleep.
Forever Live
YouTube algorithm shows channels that have live videos on top of the rest. Don't be buried among numerous channels but stand out.
Videos are uploaded once and become static. However, live videos signal fresh content so viewers come to you and stay.
Cool Factor
Everyone wants to create a live channel like the Lofi Girl but doesn't know how to. Now you can. Get the message out.
Creating a live video used to be difficult and cost a lot of money for servers. Our technology allows you to do that for cheap.
Always Live and On Top
YouTube algorithm shows channels that have live videos on top of the rest. Don't be buried among numerous channels but stand out.
Your always-top live video is like a marketer that works 24/7 for you and doesn't quit. Grow more views and subscribers on YouTube with an always-on brand.

Cool Factor
Everyone wants to create a live channel like the Lofi Girl but doesn't know how to. Now you can. Get the message out.
Become one of the coolest channels on YouTube today.
Be Everpresent
Videos are uploaded once and become static. However, live videos signal fresh content so viewers come to you and stay.
Live videos also enable live comments from viewers. Allow your fans to interact with your channel and with each other easily. More communications translate to more successful metrics for your channel.

Creating a live video used to be difficult and cost a lot of money for servers. Our technology allows you to do that for cheap.
Enable monetization for your channel and earn money 24/7 while you sleep.